I'm interested in the topic of understanding and cooperation and I like to look at it from different
angles. This includes research, journalism, blogging, and art.
Ninell Oldenburg. 2024. Navigating the Informativeness-Compression Trade-Off in Explainability.
Talk at the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) 2024 Conference.
University of Oregon Eugene, USA.
Ninell Oldenburg and Ruchira Dahr. 2024. The Completeness Problem: Beyond Human Metrics in
Assessing Abilities of Cognitive Systems. Poster at the 1st Philosophy of AI Summer School.
University College London, Paris, France.
Ninell Oldenburg and Tan Zhi-Xuan. 2024. Learning and Sustaining Shared
Normative Systems via Bayesian Rule Induction in Markov Games. In Proc.
of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems. University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Some examples!
2021. My Friends, Anti-Vaxxers. [Meine Freunde, die Querdenker]. Die Freiheitsliebe.
2017-2020. Column Nelli Listens to Music. [Nelli hört Musik]. Kiez und Kneipe Berlin.
2019. My East. [Mein Osten]. Kiez und Kneipe Berlin.
- 2024. Debates. Work in progress ;) Link